Child sitting on a mat and playing with a toy drum. They are surrounded by multicolor lego blocks.

“Toys are children’s words and play is their language.”

-Garry Landreth

What is play therapy?

Play therapy is a treatment modality that uses children’s natural expression of play therapeutically as a language to communicate and process their feelings and experiences. Research has proven its effectiveness and it has been found to be beneficial for all types of presenting issues, including ADHD, mood issues, anxiety, oppositional behaviors, and traumatic experinces.

Benefits of play therapy

There are so many! Play is a natural mood booster and anxiety reliever. Play therapy also:

  • Facilitates the expression of emotion and experiences

  • Addresses emotional and behavioral issues

  • Improves resiliency, self-esteem, and problem solving

  • Enhances relationships and social skills

Resources to Learn More